viernes, 31 de diciembre de 2010

The Vision in now Reality

This time of year always calls for reflection, both on the year that has just passed and the new year ahead. At DubLi, we are overwhelmed by our accomplishments during 2010 and inspired by our promising future. During 2010, we solidified our foundation for a worldwide phenomenon. Some of the highlights of 2010 included:
Opened US office in Boca Raton, Florida as the Company’s worldwide corporate headquarters;
Launched DubLi Network Academy to ensure all Business Associates have the tools and resources to succeed in growing their DubLi business on a global scale;
Introduced Australian shopping mall as a value-added feature to the reverse auction concept;
Commenced operations in several new countries which will be instrumental in our future growth;
Launched Global concept: four platforms serving the North America, Europe, Australia and the balance of the world through the Worldwide portal;
Welcomed many new network leaders from around the world who are passionate and motivated to take DubLi to the next level;
Launched DubLi Entertainment to attract a global audience to our portals and provide users with access to a wide variety of social features;
Released MyDubLi application, as the desktop tool connecting users to every aspect of DubLi and provides them with easy access to shopping, auctions, entertainment and back office functions.

Introduced DuBot as our new mascot and the face of DubLi in the future;
Developed a new shopping mall platform to deliver virtually every facet of a customer’s wants and need from one easy-to-use location and,
Enhanced our management team and staff with individuals who have unique and diverse skills necessary to support our growing infrastructure going forward.
With the holidays behind us, it’s time to refocus and concentrate on the year ahead. The upcoming year has the potential to be THE year that marks history for DubLi and all those associated with our company. So, the question to ask now is: Do you want to be a leader of history in the making or will you be left behind? As Albert Schweitzer once said, “Example is not the main thing in influencing others, it is the only thing.” Success in any business is not easy. It takes courage to do a little better today than you did yesterday, determination to know what you want from life and be willing to go after it, believing in yourself and the people you’ve surrounded yourself with and, not to mention, lots of hard work. These are the qualities of a true leader, someone who believes unquestionably in their mission in both heart and mind. Some would argue a true leader is born with such innate characteristics, others would say that it can be cultivated and manifested in anyone who has the desire. True leaders are inspired by a challenge; they view it as an opportunity for positive change. Don’t you owe it to yourself to be a part of the success? You already made the first right decision, by associating yourself with DubLi. The second consideration is to determine what you want to make of your DubLi business set your goals for achievement. And, finally, it is about fulfilling your strategy daily towards reaching your individual success. When Michael Hansen conceptualized this business several years back, at the forefront of his plan, was that education is a company responsibility. Needless to say, today DubLi bases every new product feature launch on the same theory, it’s only as good as the people using it and it’s a company responsibility to make sure we not only educate our valuable associates on how to maximize their business but also we need to be sure to give them the appropriate tools and resources from which to do so. It is with great pleasure that you join us in welcoming in the year 2011, a year we expect to be rewarding for the entire DubLi family. We wish you all the best in 2011,
Best Regards Your whole DubLi Network Team